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I am a 72 year old women. Several months ago my fingers began to pull up tight while I was asleep at night. When I awoke in the morning my hands were in a painful closed fist. I would have to pull my fingers open and shut several times in order to regain some mobility. I began to take 20 ml. of (C-60 Wellness) every morning. After only ten days my fingers began to work again and after two weeks they’re about normal. My husband had been telling my to try this a month earlier, but I was hesitant, because I didn’t believe it would do any good. I take vitamins and minerals every day: but the same ones for years. I believe the C-60 Wellness did the trick.

Lynda Ramczyk

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Holli, 44 – I take my fitness seriously.  With Cross Fit, I was finding that I was having to take days off due to inflammation and aches and pains.  4 months on C60 Wellness’s supplements and I wake up every morning pain free.  Did I just find the perfect compliment to my workout and nutrition program?  I want everyone to feel this good!!


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I had a flat brown growth (mole) about 1/3 of an inch across on the back of my left hand, for ten years with no change in size or color.  About four months ago a small black spot appeared on top of this mole, and it began to grow immediately. It was lumpy, black and had a rough texture. Five weeks later the spot was half the size of the mole it sat upon. After one more month I began to take 15ml. a day of C-60 Wellness in the morning,  as part of a general good health plan. The dark spot quit growing after about two weeks and began to shrink a little bit every day. On Monday Nov. 11, 2024 I went on a long business trip. While I was driving home the back of my hand began to burn and itch. I stopped and looked at my hand the dark spot

was covered in a thick black tarry goo. I washed it off and continued home. When I arrived home I washed more of the black goo off of my hand. To my amazement the black spot that had been on top of the mole was completely gone and there was no more burning or itching. 

David Ramczyk

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Chad 49 – I’m fairly active and have decent blood work because I have been monitoring certain markers for the past 3 years.  Before I started taking our version of C60, I had lower back stiffness with some aches and some pains.  Nothing critical or nothing that puts me down and out for the day, but just enough to be annoying and sometimes sore, so sitting down is a relief.  I also had a left groin pull or tear.  This hurts at times and has been this way for at least a year.  I’ve been taking this version of C60 for 3 months.  I barely have back stiffness, the aches and pains are basically gone.  My groin seems to be on the mend.  My energy and mental clarity is through the roof.  I will be sharing the blood work I’m doing soon because many markers seem to have improved.  I was a skeptic for many years regarding C60.  Mainly due to all the inconsistencies in how other companies claim it’s made.  C60wellness has a totally different methodology.  I encourage everyone on this site to become a member, check out their cutting edge manufacturing, their cutting edge research, and to start your journey to rejuvenation and being pain/ache free.  

Chad Dempsey